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The start of something big

There were some great discussions at the Podcast Workers Australia info night. It was wonderful to be in a space with so much energy and passion discussing the future of podcasting in Australia.

A few issues came up consistently such as the need for social events to combat the isolation of working from home, the need for high-level skill sharing, and a way to communicate the work and skill that goes into a podcast.

Another thing that came up was that it would be useful for the industry to have clearly defined roles. Podcast Workers Australia collaborated with a wide range of stakeholders to create role definitions which you can find on our rate card page.

Meeting so many enthusiastic and passionate people felt like the start of something big. If you want to get involved and start working towards building a fairer podcasting industry then head to

And if you couldn't make the event in Sydney or Melbourne we're having an online info night on Tuesday November 14th at 5pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 939 9224 1445

Passcode: PodWorkAus

four people at a table in a crowded room having an animated discussion
There was animated discussion about the future of podcasting at the Melbourne event


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